Function AI ARMs (Artificial Intelligence Management System)
Lead UX Designer, Researcher, Project Manager and Owner
3 Months (2017) for design of ARMs.
Sketch, Adobe Creative Suite, Google Sides, Balsamique
How can we give customers access to their most common data reports?
How do we make the customer data visually useful and actionable?
Researched the various reports requested by customers as well as the purpose for the reports.
Analyzed the available data objects available from the AI implementations to create and define useful and informative relationships for reporting.
Because of the narrow audience for this emerging tech, I concentrated on mapping the marketable benefits as would be discoverable using the ARMs tool.
When defining these massive amounts of date, I first established taxonomy. Within ARMS data could be Persona data, Customer data, Inquiry data, or a subset variety of system admin data. The hypothetical and most common user would deal less with the admin so I focused on the main three.
First I defined NATIVE DATA, the data that must exist for the object to exist.
Customer | object |
Name | Bob |
ID | 000234456 | |
Persona | object |
Channel | Voice |
Implementation | Phon IVR |
Languages | EN |
Inquiry | object |
Date | MM/DD/YYYY |
Type | Error/bug |
Details | A long time ago... |
Next I defined the ACTIVITY DATA. This data modifies a data object and can be modified and can be reported as activity.
Customer | object |
Status* | registered |
User Role | manager |
Contact Info | [subset] |
*Temporal Data
Persona | object |
Gender | Female |
Skills | [subset] |
Status* | Available |
*Temporal Data
Inquiry | object |
Actions | [subset] |
Resolutions | [subset] |
Status* | Open |
*Temporal Data
Last I defined RELATIONAL DATA. This is commuted data.
Customer | object |
Inquiries | [subset] |
Personas | [subset] |
Persona | object |
Customers | [subset] |
Inquiries | [subset] |
Inquiry | object |
Customers | [subset] |
Personas | [subset] |
From these classifications I started to build the model for the data object, and how a user would need to see and understand the object structure.
Offering the customer the data they need At-A-Glance style would answer about 75% of the current request tickets.
By concentrating on empowering and simplifying the data filters, I could give customers the power to create and save their most useful reports.
I needed to represent the data object maturation timeline (initiation, escalation, resolution, etc) using recognizable UI patterns.
I wireframed common reporting pages focusing on filtering and customizing the data grids, the dashboard for its usefulness, and the data object view for is management functions.
Using the branded design system, I converted the wireframes from low to high fidelity designs.
I ran comprehension tests with end users. I was unable to use actual data values so I tested user expectations for common areas like filters, grid views, dashboard widgets and other common actionable elements.
To prove the product, I created functional prototypes in Invision for stakeholder interaction and usability testing.
All users were able to identify common reporting UIs and patterns. All action expectations were 100% correct.
Users expressed light confusion of the "activity" model. Rework using a Facebook-style feed brought much more positive responses.
Users could not easily navigate or intuit the location for saved reports. Rework was necessary for the Dashboard.
After testing, I met with stakeholders and leadership to report on user feedback focusing on usefulness and potential adoption. The project was approved. After Rework, I prepared the final design files and prototype for dev handoff. My project management consisted of monthly progress meetings as well as all materials requests.
Borrowing almost completely from leading report software, I was able to product the bulk of the prototype very quickly while also answering most of the customer needs.
By not offering Saved Reports in a prominent and obvious way, I neglected one of the original user stories defining those users that repeated requests for the same data on a regular schedule.